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21. Charts

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Charts - Do you know how to create a chart from any report?

From within almost any list or report you can create a User Defined Chart

  • Open the List or Report that you wish to create Chart for.
  • Create any Filters that you may require for your chart and save them.
  • Right mouse click on the data fields and select New Chart.
  • Select the Data Setup button from tabs on the left.
  • Give Name to the Chart in Chart Name Field.
  • Select any Filter that you have have created, from the Custom Filter drop down.
  • Click Apply, a window will open up for the selection of Chart Type
  • Choose the Chart Type you want

Now the Axis field will be available. Series Label is the Chart Type you have selected Choose Label (X:Axis) from the drop down. Choose Label (Y:Axis) from the drop down. Choose X:Axis (optional), if required. Click Apply to see the chart that you have created.

From within the Designer button make any changes as required and select Save This saved chart will now appear in the Report Selector, in the chart section which is on the right side of reports. GNU Free Documentation License 1.2