4. New Account
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New Account
New Account - Do you know how to setup a new account for your Chart of Accounts?
- Select Accounts Module.
- Select Account button.
- In Account Window select Account Type from the drop down E.g. Expense, Accounts Payable , etc.
- In the Account Name field, type the name that you want to give to this account.
- Click Is Header if it is a Header Accounts means have multiple sub accounts linked with this account.
- Click Allow Expense Claim if Expense Claim is allowed on this account.
- Sub Account 1, you can enter the sub account of the main account.
- Sub Account 2, will create sub branch of Sub Account 1.
- Sub Account 3, will create sub branch of Sub Account 2.
- Enter Account No.
- Select Tax Code for this account.
- Write Account Description.
- Bank Account Details will become active only if the account type is Cheque or Saving.
- Account Tree View will show you the tree structure that you have created.
- Click Active, to make this account active
- Click Save to Create the account.