8 Age by Transaction Date
From TrueERP wiki
Age by Transaction Date
How does this differ from the standard "ageing based on due date" view?
Age by Due Date is your default view when opening your Accounts Payable and Accounts Receivable reports. In this view you will see your transactions listed including the terms for the original invoice/bill. The amounts listed under the 1-30, 30-60, 60-90 and 90-120 overdue days columns are in direct correlation with the due date of each invoice/bill.
Age by Transaction Date ( found towards the top right of your report screen) once checked gives you a view that ignores terms completely. This view may be a bit misleading because the amounts under the overdue range columns are based on the date in which the invoice/bill was raised (i.e. the "Date" towards the top of your original invoice/bill).