22. Data Update
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Revision as of 22:21, 11 March 2015 by Omer Farooq (Talk | contribs)
Data Update
Data Update - Do you know how to activate Bins/Batches/Serial Numbers for multiple products at the same time?
To activate and update Bins/Batches/Serial Numbers for multiple products at the same time you need to use 'Date Update' Function in 'Inventory Advanced Module'.
- Select 'Inventory Advanced' Module.
- Select 'Data Update' Module.
- Hold down Ctrl key to select multiple product at time.
- There are two tabs at the top 'Product' and 'Clients'. Select 'Product'.
- Select a 'Product Properties' from the left hand side tabs.
- Check the update you want to activate (example; Update Product Batch Tracking, Update Product Bin Tracking, Update Product SN Tracking etc.).
- Select 'Automatic Allocation' or 'Manual Allocation' for Batch and Bin Tracking.
- Select 'Update'.
A message will pop up "Do you like to update all product or the selected Product".
- Choose 'All Products' if you wish to update all products.
- Choose 'Selected Products' if you wish to update only selected products.
This will activate Batches, Bins and Serial Number Tracking for the selected products.