40. Data Update
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Revision as of 22:22, 11 March 2015 by Omer Farooq (Talk | contribs)
Data Update
Data Update- Has the functionality of each tab within the Date Updater been explained?
The Data Update feature is used for changing properties on your product or customer list on mass.
From the Main Menu select Inventory and then the Data Update button.
- Select the product you want to update. Hold down Ctrl key and select multiple products.
- Select the Action you wish to perform from the left hand side of the screen
- Do the required update you wish to perform form the left hand side of the screen example, 'Extra Buy Price', 'Extra Sell Price', 'Foreign Buy Price', 'Foreign Sell Price', 'Product Properties' and 'Delet Extra Sell Price'.
- Once made the changes; Select 'Update'.
A message will pop up "Do you like to update all product or the selected Product".
- Choose 'All Products' if you wish to update all products.
- Choose 'Selected Products' if you wish to update only selected products.
Holding down Ctrl and selecting multiple products will do update on mass.
From the top of the screen select 'Client', if want to update client properties on mass.