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10. Audit Lists

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Audit Lists

Audit Lists - Do you understand the functionality of the Picking Slip, Delivery Docket and Purchase Order buttons?


  • Picking Slip Audit
 -	This provides a list of all the items ready to deliver or pick. You can double click on any entry to view the original transaction. There are different search options available:

Printed, Not Printed, Emailed, Not emailed or All option.

  • Delivery Docket Audit
 -	This shows the list of all the clients to whom the goods have been delivered. You can double click any entry and it will take you to the type of data it is, giving you detail information about that transaction.

  • Purchase Order Audit
 -	This form is for auditing purposes of the Purchase Order, so you can track your purchases. It will give you a complete audit of your Purchase Orders.

This options provide a date ranged report for each selection.