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28. Buy and Sell

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Buy and Sell

Inventory and other products and services you buy or sell.

Buy and Sell- Create and process PO's and Invoices for your new product

How To Create a New Purchase Order:

  • Select the 'Purchases module
  • Select the 'Purchase Order' button
  • Select the name of the Supplier from the 'Supplier Name' Drop-down Box
  • Select a Foreign Currency Code (if Applicable) and the current Exchange Rate
  • Select the Product you wish to add to the Purchase order by typing the Product Name into the 'Name' Field - An alternative to select a product to insert into the Purchase Order is to double click on the 'Name' field to open the Product List, Search for the Product and double click the Product to insert it into the Purchase Order
  • If the Product is to be purchased for a particular 'Department', Type the Department Name into the 'Department' Field (If Applicable)
  • Select the applicable Units of Measure from the 'Units' Drop-down
  • Type in the Quantity you wish to order in the 'Qty' Field
  • In the case that the product price has changed type the new Price into the 'Cost(Ex)'
  • If the product is for a specific Customer or Job type the Customer's Name into the 'Customer: Job' Field
  • Push the 'Tab' Key on your Keyboard to Tab through to the next line
  • Repeat the above process steps to insert multiple products into the Purchase Order.
  • Click 'Save' to Complete the Purchase Order Transaction

Alternatively if you select either the 'Preview' or 'Print' Buttons you will have the ability to view & print your Purchase Orders.

How to Create a New Invoice:

  • Sales module
  • Select the 'Invoice' button
  • Select a 'Customer' from the drop-down list
  • You will notice that the Customer's Shipping Address and Posting Address will flow through from the Customer's Card into the Invoice
  • To change the Ship To address, double click on the Ship To address and record a new (additional) shipping address or select a shipping address from the drop down list in the Shipping Address screen.

The following fields in the Invoice form will be populated from the Customer's Card: - Invoice To (bill to address) - Ship To (physical address) - Department - Currency Code - Via (shipping method) - Terms

  • If necessary, change the 'Department' using the drop-down list. The income earned with this Invoice will flow through to this Department.
  • If necessary, change the 'Currency Code' using the drop-down list and adjust the 'Exchange Rate' by editing the text box
  • If necessary, tick/un-tick the 'Hold Sale' option accordingly
  • If necessary, tick the 'Wholesale Price' option accordingly. This will apply Wholesale Price/Discount to Products in this Invoice (see New Products for more details)
  • If necessary, type in the Customer's Purchase Order number in the 'P.O. Number' textbox.
  • If necessary, change the employee responsible to this Invoice using the 'Rep' drop-down list
  • If necessary, change the Shipping Date using the drop-down list
  • If necessary, select/change the Shipping Method in the 'Via' drop-down list
  • If necessary, change the payment term for this Invoice in the 'Terms' drop-down list.
  • When you change the 'Terms', the 'Due Date' field will change accordingly to reflect that term
  • Select a Product using the 'Name' drop-down field. When you select a product, its details populate from the Product Card into its line in the Invoice.
  • Units displays the default Unit of Measure for the product - change if required
  • Enter Quantity Ordered - type in the Ordered quantity, one or both of the next 2 fields will populate. If the chosen Department has these items in stock, ERP will automatically populate the Shipped field. If the Department does not have these items in stock, the BO field will be populated.
  • Enter the quantity allocated to be shipped
  • BO - displays the difference between Ordered and shipped and these will be placed on Back Order
  • Description - displays the Sales Description from the product card
  • Price (Inc) - displays the Price (Inc) per unit from the product card after allowing for any quantity or customer discounts
  • Code - displays the Tax code from the Product File
  • Tax - displays the Tax amount
  • Discount($) - enter the amount of any additional discount given in currency
  • Amount(Inc) - displays the total amount for the line, being quantity x price less discount
  • Press the down arrow in your keyboard to add more products to the Invoice
  • Any relevant notes can be added to the Comments field. These will appear on the Sales Order when printed, faxed or emailed to the Customer.

Your basic Invoice is done. You can now save it by clicking on:

  • 'Save'
  • 'Print' - by clicking on 'Print'
  • or 'Preview' before printing by clicking on 'Preview'. You can also print a delivery docket or picking slip

Note: Saved Invoices with shipped items will be available on the normal Invoice List and Invoices with back order items will be available in the Back Order by Invoice List. If you save an Invoice with both shipped and BO items, it will be available in the normal Invoice List and a new Invoice will be created with the Back Order items in it and saved into the Back Order by Invoice List.