Stock Adjustment
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Revision as of 19:21, 1 December 2015 by Omer Farooq (Talk | contribs)
There are three ways to adjust stock quantities. Stock Adjustment, Stocktake and Stock Transfer. Stock Transfer
adjusts stock quantities between departments whereas Stock Adjustment and Stocktake make absolute changes
to the quantity of stock the company holds. Generally a Stock Adjustment is used for "ad hoc" adjustments such
as when an item is damaged and Stocktake is used when overall quantities are being checked at regular intervals
of time.
A Stock Adjustment can be used to correct the stock levels at any time eg. The system says there is 20 in stock
of a product in a particular bin but on count there is only 19. An adjustment can be made at that time, ie. you
do not have to wait to carry out a stocktake to make the adjustment. Typically Stock Adjustment is used for
adjustments to stock due to loss/damage or Wasteage.
- Select the Inventory tab
*Select the Stock Adjustment button
*Select the Account to be adjusted by the value of the adjusted stock. (Account needs to be set-up via the
Accounts button). The Inventory Asset account is always adjusted and you must nominate the account for
the other side of the transaction. eg. You may have an expense account for eg."Damaged Stock"
*Select the Employee Name and Date
- Show Only as Unit of Measure - If selected the quantities displayed will be only those for the unit of measure
shown. If not selected the quantities shown will be the total of all UOM adjusted by the UOM Multiple.
eg. When selected a product "Red Wine" may show 0 Bottles but 3 Cartons of 12, whereas when not ticked the
same product would show 36 Bottles or 3 Cartons.
- Adjustment on In-Stock Quantity - When selected the Final quantity will be based on the In-Stock Quantity
When not checked Final will be based on the Available Quantity. This is to allow for different practices in
handling sold products such as if products are removed from the bin prior to being invoiced in which case you
would be working on Available quantities.
- Search function F5, F6, F7 is available within a Stock Adjustment for ease of selecting the required product/s
to adjust. The Stock Adjustment transaction number auto loads.
*Select your Product and your Department.
*Stock can be adjusted by entering the Final (instock) quantity or the Adjustment. eg. if you have 10 instock
but need to reduce that to 9 you can enter 9 in the Final column or -1 in the adjustment column.
*Select Batch, Bin and/or Serial number if applicable
Enter the reason for the Adjustment, e.g. Damaged Goods / Stolen Goods etc.
*Select Save
Backdating a Stock Adjustment
- Stock adjustments and stocktakes can be backdated. To backdate a stock adjustment you must first select
the date of the adjustment and then select the product. This will ensure the quantities are displayed as at the
selected date. An adjustment can then be saved for that date and subsequent transactions will be accounted
for in the current values.
These adjustments can be viewed in the Stock Adjustment List