From TrueERP wiki
Take note of the layout of other pages on the Trueerp Wiki and maintain as far as possible a consistent layout.
To create a heading type two = symbols either side of the heading or select the icon from the top of the edit page.
Bullet Points
In the edit screen the * symbol indicates a bullet point. ** is an indented bullet point
To create a link to another page type the name of the page and highlight it. Then click on the icon in the edit bar. This will create a link to the page. The page does not have to exist prior to creating the link but can be created when you click on that link.
Only administrators have access to upload images to be placed in pages. If an images has been uploaded in can be added to a page using the icon. You must know the full name of the image you are embedding.
To create a new version of a page in a supported language other than English, the page name must have the country code appended. eg. Accounts would be the English version of the Accounts page and Accounts/fr is the French version. The create a new page search for the page name. If it does not exist you will be prompted to create it.
Supported languages and their codes are:
- French - fr
- Arabic - ar
- Tagalog - tl
- Hind - hi
Copying Text
Under no circumstances should content be copied from a MS Word document or other wordprocessing document as this will introduce hidden characters with unpredictable results. If copying text copy to notepad, remote unwanted linebreaks and then recopy from notepad to the wiki editor.