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Pay History

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Revision as of 15:44, 1 February 2011 by Admin (Talk | contribs)

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== Overview Pay History is a list and printable report detailing all wages your Company has paid to date, and recorded within your
ERP program.
This report can be run by date range based on the 'Pay Date', or by selection the 'Date Paid'. This report can be
accessed from within the Payroll Tab by using the 'Pay History' button, or from within the 'Report Selector', Payroll
radio button.

How To Use Pay History

  • Select the 'Payroll Tab'
  • Select the 'Pay History' Button

As per other lists within ERP you can: -

  • Customise Pay History.
  • Export Pay History.
  • Perform Searches within Pay History.
  • Execute Filters within Pay History.
  • Print Pay History.
  • Select a Date Range or Custom Range to display in the list refer to Global Features.

Please refer to Global Features for details on the functionality of the above choices.

Select the relevant radio button to display the required list, i.e. 'Pays', 'Deleted Pays', 'All Pays'.
Select 'Use Date Paid' to view your Pay History by the actual date of paying the wages. The criteria will load the
list in respect to the Date Range selection you have chosen.

  • Select the + sign (once selected it will display as - ), in the 'GL' column to display the General Ledger account breakdown of the payroll posting for each individual employee pay.
  • Select the + sign (once selected it will display as - ), in the 'Split' column to display the breakdown of how a wage has been split between bank accounts or method of payment.

e.g. An employee may wish to have the bulk of their pay credited to their main bank account, and have a portion credited to their savings account. This would display in the split field against each pay that it applied to.
See New Employee Banking

  • Select the 'Print Report' button to preview/print the 'Pay History Report'.

All columns with values displayed in the Pay History list, display a column tally at the bottom.

'Total Records' in the current list being viewed is displayed at the bottom left of screen.
'Current Filter', e.g. 'Deleted=F' is also displayed at bottom left of screen.
'Auto List Updates Disabled' is displayed at bottom right of screen when this preference is on.
