Accounts Reports
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Selecting the Accounts Reports icon will open the Report Selector menu displaying the list of Accounts related reports.
The main financial accounting statements
The purpose of financial accounting statements is mainly to show the financial position of a business at a particular point in time and to show how that business has performed over a specific period.
The three main financial accounting statements that help achieve this aim are:
- The profit and loss account for the reporting period
- A balance sheet for the business at the end of the reporting period
- A cash flow statement for the reporting period
A balance sheet shows at a particular point in time what resources are owned by a business ("assets") and what it owes to other parties ("liabilities"). It also shows how much has been invested in the business and what the sources of that investment finance were.
It is often helpful to think of a balance sheet as a "snap-shot" of the business - a picture of the financial position of the business at a specific point. Whilst this is a useful picture to have, every time an accounting transaction takes place, the "snap-shot" picture will have changed.
By contrast, the profit and loss account provides a perspective on a longer time-period. If the balance sheet is a "digital snap-shot" of the business, then think of the profit and loss account as the "DVD" of the business' activities. The story of what financial transactions took place in a particular period - and (most importantly) what the overall result of those transactions was.
Not surprisingly, the profit and loss account measures "profit".
What is profit?
Profit is the amount by which sales revenue (also known as "turnover" or "income") exceeds "expenses" (or "costs") for the period being measured.
How to Use Accounts Reports
- Select Accounts
- Select Accounts Reports
Accounts Reports Detail
- Account_Types_List<LinkId=15> - Lists the account types available to you when creating accounts.
For more information on Types of accounts available see new_Account<LinkId=9>
- Accounts_Payable_Report<LinkId=50> - Detailed report of accounts payable (or creditors) with aged detail for each of the Suppliers Accounts_Receivable_Report<LinkId=48> - Detailed report of accounts receivable or debtors with aged detail for each of the Customers
- Approval_Reminder_List - Listing of Puchase Orders awaiting payment approval from approved person
- Audit_Trail_List<LinkId=293> - Full list of transactions and history of changes to those transactions. This is useful to track when a change was made to a transaction (e.g. Change of value on an Invoice) and which user made the change
- Balance_Sheet<LinkId=23> - Full Balance Sheet as described above
- Bank_Account_Report<LinkId=60> - Full listing of postings to each bank account for a selected period including whether the transaction has been reconciled
- Cash_Flow_Forecast<LinkId=1275> - Projection of future cash flow based on current creditor and debtor balances. e.g. What monies are due to be received/paid in the next week/month/quarter/year
- General Ledger - Listing of all transactions by account for a selected period with options for: Summary - Totals Only Details - Subtotals by transaction type Extra Details - Full transaction listing
- Profit/Loss<LinkId=17> - Full Profit & Loss report as described above
- Profit & Loss (By Period) - Full Profit & Loss report with comparison periods (Month, Quarter or Year). e.g. you can compare income in the Profit and Loss for the current month, with revenue from the previous month.
- Profit & loss Summary - Profit & Loss Totals only with comparison by various period selections from daily up to a full year.
- Statements<LinkId=187> - Listing of Invoices and Payments that appear on statements for the selected date range. See Print_Statements<LinkId=197>
- Summary_Sheet<LinkId=16> - Summary of financial information including current Balance sheet total, aged payable and receivables and Profit and Loss comparisons for prior periods of Last Week, Last Month, Last 3 Months and Last 12 Months
- Tax Summary - Listing of tax codes and corresponding amounts for a selected date range
- Transaction_Journal<LinkId=1277> - Listing of all transactions for a selected period of time with detail of all associated account postings
- Trial_Balance<LinkId=21> - Listing of accounts and their balances as well as a total of debits and credits for a period of time. This is a snapshot of balances to demonstrate that all all account postings balance.
- Unassigned Tax Codes - Listing of any transactions that have been created without a tax code. A tax code is essential on all transactions to ensure BAS or VAT returns can include all necessary transactions.
- Unpaid Bills - This is a simplified creditors report that has the advantage of being faster to produce than a full Accounts Payable Report
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