Banking Reports
From TrueERP wiki
Selecting the Banking Reports icon will open the Report Selector menu displaying the list of Banking related reports.
How to Use Banking Reports
- Select Banking
- Select Banking Reports
Banking Reports Detail
- Accounts Payable Report<LinkId=1245> - List of all Accounts Payable
- Accounts_Receivable_Report<LinkId=48> - A detailed report of all accounts receivable with filters for Summary, Details and Extra Details
- Balance Sheet<LinkId=23> - Full Balance Sheet
- Bank Account Report<LinkId=60> - Full listing of postings to each bank account for a selected period including whether the transaction has been reconciled
- Budget List<LinkId=267> - A list of all budgets created with filter for Active or Inactive
- Cash Flow Forcast - Projection of future cash flow based on current creditor and debtor balances. e.g. What monies are due to be received/paid in the next week/month/quarter/year
- Cash Flow Statement - Summary of monies received and paid out up to a nominated date with option for Details including transaction types
- Cheque List<LinkId=55> - List of all cheques
- Deposited List<LinkId=53> - List of Bank Deposits
General Ledger - Transaction list by Account with filters for different detail levels - Profit and Loss<LinkId=17> - Full Profit & Loss Report
- Profit and Loss (By Period) - Profit and Loss with comparisons by period (Month, Quarter or Year)
- Profit and Loss Summary - Profit & Loss by week, month etc.
- Reconciliation List<LinkId=59> - List of completed and Held reconciliations
- Reconciliation List (Details) - List of reconciliations with transaction details
- Statements<LinkId=187> - List of items to appear on current statements
- To Be Reconciled - List of unreconciled items
- Transaction Journal - List of transactions with details of each account posting