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Budget Variation

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The budget variation allows you to select an entire budget or a specific period within that budget and either change or copy the selection you make. You can select to either choose specific accounts for the budget or period or alternatively choose to alter all account entry's for that budget. This feature within the program allows you to keep up to date with all of the budgets and entries within those budgets. If something changes within the company - those changes will need to be reflected in the budget. If we won the big account - we may need to increase anticipated sales, if we sold the warehouse (examples only) we may need to decrease outgoings and expenses. A budget variation allows those changes to be entered and update future forecasts and predictions.

How To Enter a budget variation.

  • Select the 'Budget Variation' button displayed within the Budget Tab
  • The Budget Variation screen appears
  • Budget field has a drop down that allows you to select from the list the budget that you wish to perform the variation


  • As you select the budget from the drop down list, the interval, start date and end date will auto fill based on the

entries created for that budget in budget definitions

  • You will then need to select the action you are performing, you can select either change or copy
  • Change - will allow you to make alterations to an already existing entry
  • Copy will allow you to duplicate the already existing entry
  • Are you changing or copying for just this period? Or for the whole budget?
  • Just this period will either copy or record changes for the selected period only
  • The whole budget will either copy or record changes for the entire budget
  • If you select 'copy' and whole 'budget', the following screen appears for additional information
  • These additional fields allow you to create a new name for the budget that you are creating, and a new description.

here is also a field that allows you to select a starting date for this copied budget.

  • If you select 'copy' and 'period', the following screen appears for additional information
  • These fields allow you to select a specific period from the budget and copy the whole period across to another


The purpose of this as an example - if you have created all the entries for a year - and you know that the three months over Christmas are always quiet - you can change one of the months (periods) and copy the figures across to the other two periods without having to re - enter the figures

  • You can then select the tick box marked choose accounts.
  • This will allow you to decide if you want to record a variation for only certain accounts within this budget definition

or alternatively by NOT selecting the choose accounts option you are recording changes to all accounts that have been set up in this definition.

  • If you have selected change, and budget - and then choose accounts. This screen allows you to make changes

to the specific accounts of your choice for the entire budget.

  • You can choose to increase or decrease by either a dollar amount or a percentage amount.
  • To save these changes click on the apply button.
  • If you have selected change, and period - and then choose accounts the following screen appears
  • This screen allows you to make changes to the specific accounts of your choice for the distinct period of your


  • You can choose to increase or decrease by either a dollar amount or a percentage amount.
  • To save these changes click on the apply button.