10 Audit Trail
From TrueERP wiki
Audit Trial
What are the advantages of using the Audit Trail List?
The Audit Trail records the creation and editing of all records in ERP.
As every transaction in ERP results in a record being created in the Audit Trail it is advisable to Purge the Audit Trail
from time to time so that the file does not get too big.
How to Use Audit Trail
The Audit Trail records the time and date of changes, the details of the change, the Transaction Type and the Employee who made the change.
Select Utilities tab Audit Trail List button or Select Utilities in the top menu bar and select Audit Trail then Audit Trail List From here you can view the list as per date range. The list can be customised by selecting the Customise button The list can be printed by selecting the Print button
How to purge Audit Trail records
Select Utilities in the top menu bar then from the Drop Down menu Select Audit Trail Select Purge Audit Trail Enter name of file to archive the records before purging.