11. List Customization
From TrueERP wiki
List Customization
List Customization - Was the List Customization explained?
Any Accounts List or reports is fully customizable.
You can Sort Columns.
- Rearrange the columns by holding down mouse key and dragging the column header where you want to place it.
- Can change width of the column by holding down the mouse key at the edge of a column and dragging it to the desired width.
- By clicking Customize button you can add or remove any column you want view.
You can apply filters and can create custom filters. You can Alter the Font, Font Size, Font Color, Grid Title Font and can set Alternate Row Color from Customize button at the bottom.
By clicking on the Foreign Currency tab in the Customize window you can assign Foreign Currency to the Report as well.
Ticking Enable Grid Lines will show Grid Lines, unticking will remove the lines.
You can select User radio button if the change customize settings are for the user only. Global will make changes to all the users on the Database.
Whatever changes you make and exit from the list, the next time you open the list it will retain the last settings.