13. Export to Reports
From TrueERP wiki
Export to Reports
Export to Reports - How do you use the 'Export to Report DB'?
This function is under the Utilities module. Export to Reports is designed to make a copy of your data in tables that you can manipulate. This enables you to copy the tables from ERP and export them in an ODBC (Open Data Base Connectivity)format to enable the tables to be used in any application that you want. For example; Excel, Access, Open Office.
- Select Utilities tab.
- Export to Report DB button.
- There will be a list of table that can be exported.
- Select by clicking in the box along side of the Table you require.
- The button Select All automatically selects all of the tables.
- The Unselect All clears the selection.
- Click Export to export the selected table.
The Data will be exported to this location: C:\\Mysql_ERP\data\ERP_Export This will be on the Server.