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16. Report Writer

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Report Writer

Report Writer - Do you know how to use the SQL writer to customise templates?

The big thing with customising templates or creating templates is that if you customising a template, the SQL string is going to be a key component and when creating a new report, base that report on a similar template or structure and copy the similar templates SQL String to the new template and then add or delete the necessary SQL strings. This report writer can be accessed by going to the 'General' module and by clicking on the button 'Templates' or the other option is by clicking on 'Reports' button at the very top of the screen and then 'Templates'. Now to create your own custom template once the structure (SQL String) has been copied from a similar template, you then go to your 'Custom Reports' to create a new one. We access this by going to the 'Employee' module and then clicking 'Custom Reports' or by going to the very top of the screen and selecting 'Reports' and then 'Custom Reports'. For more detailed information please go ahead and watch the SQL Report Writer video to get a better understanding of it.