19 Easy Copy
From TrueERP wiki
Easy Copy
Where do you copy ready made strings?
The process of creating a new template by using the base of an existing one, involves copying all the detail from the original (including the layout and data elements) into the new template, then amending it. LearnReportBuilder.pdf<File=LearnReportBuilder.pdf>
To create a new Template go to the Customise Templates window and select New. This will create a new line in the Template list and will allow you to enter a name and type for the new template In the Template Name field enter the name for the new template and in the Type field select a Template Type from the dropdown list. In this example we will use the Invoice type and name it Invoice New Double-click on the newly created template to load the Report Designer. Note that this template is currently blank. To exit from this screen use File=>Close from the menu bar, or you can use the x button at the top right.
NB: Closing out of the Template Designer will NOT save any changes that have been made to that template. You will Always have to select the 'Save/Close' button on the Customise Templates window before changes to templates will be saved.
We now need to copy the SQL String from the original Invoice and paste it into the Invoice New. Select Invoice from the Template list. Highlight ALL of the SQL String and copy it. Select Invoice New from the template List. Highlight ALL of the SQL String then paste the SQL string you have just copied from the original Invoice.
Note: SQL (acronym for Structured Query Language) is a standard method of conveying information to and from a database. In ERP the SQL String allows information to be retrieved from the ERP Server and used in Reports.
The SQL Strings used in ERP are unique for every report; therefore it is vital when we create new reports that the SQL String is copied from the correct Report Type.