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19 Employee's To Do's

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Employee To Do's

Do you know where to set, when and how your "To Do's"?

Employee To Do's are a great way of adding reminder prompts for either yourself or other employees to do actions and tasks.

  • Select theEmployee module, button Click on the To Do button and the Items To Do screen willl open.
  • Date Created is the date that the To Do was entered.
  • For Employee refers to whom you wish the To Do for.
  • Created By is whom the task or action is to be performed for.
  • Date To Do By is when the task or action is to be completed by.
  • Description would describe the task or action required to be completed.
  • Result will create a time line of feed back notes from both the For Employee and the Created By Person.
  • Tick the Preview box to view a print version or select the Print button for a hard copy
  • Tick the Completed box when the Item has been completed