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24 Auto Adjust

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Auto Adjust Bins

Have you been shown how the Auto Adjust Bins button works? 

Select Inventory Auto Adjust Bin Button

If there is stock not allocated to bins an information box will appear to advise you of what needs to be allocated and advising that the stock adjustments will need to be processed.

Then the Stock Adjust Entries screen will appear

Double click on Stock Adjustment and this will bring up the stock that needs to be adjusted Check details and change any details if required

When all is correct select the Process button to process

A text box with a question Do you wish to delete the lines with 0 adjustment? Select no as you may not be adjusting quantity but you do wish to adjust Allocation Quantity.

The adjustment will process and you will get confirmation the adjustment has been processed. Now if you go to Inventory then choose the product the stock will show quantities and bin location when Batch/Bin tab has been selected.