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2 New From Transactions

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New Form Transaction

Can you create a Customer from a Transaction?

Open a Quote, Sales Order, OR an Invoice

If the Customer you are creating the transaction for does not yet exist in the drop down menu...

Type the new Customer name into the 'Company Name' field at the top left of the relevant form Select Tab or Enter on your keyboard, and the following message will display... "Selection NOT in list, Create New?" Select 'Yes' if you wish to create the new Customer, or 'No' if you do not

If you Select "Yes" to the above question the Customer Card form will load at the Customer Info tab for you to start entering further information relating to the new Customer.

Enter Customer Info, e.g. Company, main contact details, phone number etc. Define the Customer Type: eg retail, trade etc

NB: If a new Customer is an individual or partnership, if you enter the Salutation/s, First Name/s, and Last Name/s this will auto load as the Company Name, i.e. Customer Name

Within the Address Info tab enter the address details, email address, web address, define default department. Define XML email address and select radio button for Send XML Invoices on Invoice Run if required.

In Accounts tab enter - Account No - Terms e.g 7 days - Credit limit and grace period (number of extension days beyond the term set) - Membership Card No if applicable - Select force PO entry on either Invoice/booking or repairs by selecting the radio button accordingly by left mouse clicking. - select payment method (this will feed automatically when entering payments) - the customer ABN number - Default tax code, select from the drop down menu - Select the foreign currerncy if required from the drop down menu - Bank account details (important if making electronic transactions for customer) - Credit card type from the drop down menu, then card details - Any notes relevant to the customer

In the General tab complete relevant information and select from the drop down menu - Creation Date - Shipping method - Picking Priority - Discharge Date - Default Invoice Template - Default Delivery Template - Source of the customer - Representative who will be looking after the customer - Click on the PopUp radio button to enable a popup to appear in sales, then enter the Sales Comments - You can select a related customer if required - You can define an Area Number for the customer e.g an area in a department store

Ensure Customer is active by selecting the radio button Select Save