5. Customise Main Screen
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Customise Main Screen
Customise Main Screen - Do you know how to fully customize the ERP Main Screen for your individual needs?
ERP Main Screen can be fully customised for individual needs but you need to have appropriate Access Level to do this. Refer to your administrator.
How to customise the Main Screen in ERP?
- On the Main Screen Click Customise tab at the bottom of the screen to open the Customisation Screen.
- On the upper Left of Customise Main Menu screen you will find Select menu category, a drop down menu with all the modules listed and below it all the related functions.
- On the upper Right of Customise Main Menu screen you will find Select page to customise, a drop down menu with all the modules listed. This list displays the buttons already loaded on the selected page.
- Highlight the button on the Left of the screen.
- Click on Single arrow forward button (>), or select from the left and Drag and Drop on the right side.
- If you want to add all; For Example all the appointments buttons from the Select menu category to the Select page to customise, choose Appointments from the drop down menu and click the double arrow forward button to add all the buttons to the select page.
- Similarly, if you want to remove any button from the Select page to customise then you will highlight the button and click on the backward (<) arrow button. For all buttons to move use the double backward arrow button.
- You can change the position of the buttons by moving them up or down. Highlight the button and use the Up or Down hand buttons to place in the desired position.
To Add or Delete a Page
- Click on Add button.
- A small window will open up asking to EnterNew Page Name.
- Once you name the page, it will automatically load into the Select page to customise.
- Now you can customise this page by adding function buttons.
- To Delete a page, click Delete button. This will remove a page. If the page has function buttons in it, a prompt message will appear confirming if you wish to delete.
Once you are finish customising the Main Menu you can copy it to different employees.
Copy to different employees
- Select the Copy To... tab from the top of screen.
- A list of all the employees will appear with check boxes. Tick in the boxes in front of each employee to select them.
- Click OK. This will copy the customised screen to all the selected employees.
Your Main Menu Screen will now include all your customised selection tabs and buttons.
- Note: A vertical scroll bar will appear when the number of tabs (on the left hand side of the main screen) does not fit on screen, this enables you to put as many tabs as you like and still have easy access to all.
- To revert back to the default Main Screen menu go into Customise and select the Default button found at the bottom of the screen. This will bring the Main Menu to original ERP default settings. The newly created pages will no longer exist once you click on default.