Accounts Preferences
From TrueERP wiki
(1) Summarised Transactions Before
This date setting is a way of Summarising all transactions in your chart of accounts down to a single line posting. This setting will take 1000 postings and make 1 posting. Fantastic for speeding the system up in all aspects from lists to reports. At any stage this date can be adjusted backwards to any point and the transactions will be expanded out again.
ERP does this by creating a Separate Table, that is not a part of the normall reporting hierarchy and it stores all the individual postings for the 1000 transactions. It replaces them in the normal reporting hierarchy with 1 summarised entry.
Please Note that if you do adjust the Summarised Transactions Before date backwards and the actual date right now is more than 3 Months after the Fiscal Year End date preference, as set in ERP, then this adjustment will automatically be returned to the month of the current fiscal year, after 24 hours. This is done to return speed back to the software.
Fiscal Year End
The fiscal year setting also creates your Year End postings automatically, so be aware of the effect that changing this field will have.
By Year End postings we are talking about how ERP will take your profit and loss earnings or losses and put them automatically onto your balance sheet as Retained Earnings.
There is nothing you need to do for this to happen as it is fully automated.
Closing Dates
(2) Global
This date is designed to lock the entire system down so that no matter what your access levels are, no transactions prior to this date, can be altered. Recommended if you have done your tax office reporting.
(3) Accounts Receivable
Similar to the Global date but designed just for the Accounts Receivable report.
(4) Accounts Payable
Similar to the Global date but designed just for the Accounts Payable report.
N.B All other users must be logged out of ERP before selecting Refresh