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Barcode Picking

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ERP Barcode Picking enables the picking process to be updated via a hand held scanner.
Barcodes need to be attributed to the products available for picking, i.e. Inventory items.
A barcode is allocated to each Employee so that the process can also track who picks an order.

Preferences Required

In Preferences/Inventory select "Pick From Sales Order" or "Pick From Invoice" radio button. In Preferences/Inventory under Barcode Picking, select

Auto Modify Invoice/Sales Order on Picking

Auto Convert SO to Invoice on Completion (optional)
Print Consignment Note on Completion (optional)
Print Delivery Docket on Completion (optional)
Print Invoice/SO on Completion
Optionally in Preferences/Inventory/General, you may select Auto Add Barcodes. This preference automatically creates a barcode for every new product. This is not necessary for Barcode Picking as Barcode Picking generates a unique barcode

  • If desired, under Preferences/Sales/Miscellaneous, select Barcode Pick Always On

How to use Barcode Picking

  • Create a Sales Order (Refer Sales/Sales Order)
  • Ensure 'Barcode Pick' is ticked.
  • Enter Picking Instructions if required.
  • Save
  • Select the Inventory tab
  • Select the Barcode Picking button
  • Scan the Employee Barcode ID (Refer Employee/Barcode)

NB: EMP-3 is the human readable code for the related Barcode where 3 is the employee Global Reference number.
See Templates for details.

  • Select either the START NEW button or 'Ctrl + Enter' to start printing a new Picking Slip. The Picking Slip template
    used is Pick Slip with Barcodes
  • OR Scan the 'Start Packing' barcode from a previously printed Picking Slip
  • Select Print Control Codes to print a page with barcodes to start and end picking and start and end packing as well
    as start new pack. These codes are generic and therefore don't need to be printed for every pick slip.
  • Scan the 'Start Picking' barcode from the Barcode list printed with the Picking Slip.
  • To Stop Picking the order - Scan the Stop Picking Barcode.
  • To Start Packing the products you have just picked - Scan the Start Packing Barcode.
  • Next Step: 'Scan Product Barcode' will be displayed.
  • Scan each Product Barcode as it is packed on your Picking Slip entering the correct quantities to be packed in
    the Barcode Picking List or scan each item as it is packed.

NB. Where products are available in multiple units of measure (UOM) eg. carton of 4, you can scan the alternate
barcode on the picking slip when packing that carton.

  • If the items are to be packed in multiple boxes, scan New Pack from the Control Codes each time a new box is started.
  • Once you have scanned all your products and you are ready to Stop Packing - Scan the Stop Packing Barcode.
  • Stopping Packing will prompt the printing of required documentation as per your preferences.
    e.g. Invoice, Delivery Docket, Consignment Note
  • After each Order has been packed your Barcode Picking screen will return to Next Step: Scan Employee Barcode,
    ready for you to start picking the next order.
  • The items are now picked and packed.

Refer to the Barcode Picking List to view:

  • Who picked and packed the order
  • The time picking and packing commenced
  • The duration of the picking and packing