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Product Express List

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This button allows you to view your product list. This list (as with all lists within ERP) is customisable, exportable, and printable. The Product Express List is a faster way to view a list of products than Product List but the trade off is that product quantity, value and price are not displayed. You can switch to the Product List view from withing the Product Express List by selecting the Product button, top right.

How to use Product Express List

  • SelectInventory tab
  • SelectProduct Express button List OR
  • Select the Express button at the top right of the Product List
  • The Product List is Department specific, i.e. you can select the list by Department or All Departments.
  • 'Use Updated Date Filter' - filters the product list of items to those updated within the date range selected.
  • F5 (Full List), F6 (Starts With), F7 (Like) search modes. Refer Searching F5 F6 F7 for further details

on searching.

  • As with all ERP lists, temporary and reusable filters can be created. See Filtering Lists