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1.Create New Employee

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Create New Employee

Can you create a New Employee?

All staff that are on the Payroll must be entered into ERP, even if they are not required to Log on to the system. All Employees that are required to use ERP must be assigned a Log on and Password. All Reps must first be an Employee before they can become a Rep.

If using Payroll<LinkId=20> you should create the necessary payroll items (awards, allowances, deductions etc) before creating the employee records.

Creating a New Employee

From the Main Menu screen select the Employee with a green+ button A New clean Employee card will appear. You will be in the Information Tab.

The following information must be entered in the default tabs:

First Name Last Name Default Department Date of Birth Date Started

Then enter further details: As required

ADDRESS<LinkId=108> Record here the home address and email address of the employee.

You can also nominate whether you want emails sent from ERP by this employee to show the system email address or the employee's email address as the from address if you have chosen to use the ERP Email Fax Server. See Preferences<LinkId=240> If you use the users email client this selection is not required.

ALLOWANCES Allowances that are to be paid in most pays can be entered here so that they will automatically populate the employees pay record. Allowances are selected from a list and must be created in Payroll/Allowances<LinkId=160> The Award should be selected in the Pay_Details<LinkId=149> tab before entering information in this screen and follow the prompts at the bottom of each page.

BANKING Standard banking details are recorded here for Payroll purposes including dollar or percentage splits into multiple accounts.

COMMISSION ERP allows you to configure commission calculatioon criteria to suit your business, at an employee level. In other words different criteria can be assigned to each employee.

CUSTOM FIELDS The Custom Fields can be used for extra details regarding that Employee, This will then show up when you bring up the Employee List.

DEDUCTIONS Deductions that are to be made from most pays can be entered here so that they will automatically populate the employees pay record. Deductions are selected from a list and must be created in Deductions<LinkId=163> Deductions can be adjusted for each pay run. The Award should be selected in the Pay_Details<LinkId=149> tab before entering information in this screen and follow the prompts at the bottom of each page.

DOCUMENTS The Documents tab enables all Letters, Emails and Faxes that have been created from within the Employee Tab to be saved into this area. This area is for the creation and recording of documents. You cannot email or fax from this page.

FRINGE BENEFITS<LinkId=111> This area is for recording fringe benefits provided to an employee.

Typically an employee would not have access to Payroll details, this would be determined in Access Levels. If they do not have access, the payroll fields will be removed from the Main Menu for that employee.