10 Enfire Process
From TrueERP wiki
Entire Process
Do you understand the entire process from entering a Purchase Order to payment?
Can you enter a Purchase Order?
Select Purchases tab from Main menu Then Purchase order button Enter the Company name (Supplier) who the goods are to be ordered from - if you choose to select this supplier to be the preferred supplier
Enter the Order Date Purchase Order Number defaults Tick ship to customer or double click into the Ship to field and select the company shipping address - To enter a new address click on New and enter the address
Enter ETA date/ employee (if different from default)/ terms and Via Select the Product Number ordered - the system automatically puts the order into BO (back order) You can email or fax at this stage to place the order with the supplier To locate this purchase order you will find it in the BO button of purchase orders Enter Department Customer/Job if required enter comments by double clicking into field
select any attachments if required by selecting document from within the system by clicking and dragging - deminish ERP - drag the selected document over ERP - Drop the attachment into the white comments field and this will save the attachment into the attachment field
Enter any Warehouse notes/ Cust PO Number/ Consignment Select Save
Can you Pay the off Purchase Order
Click on the Supplier Payment button in the Payments tab.
Select a supplier from the drop down menu
Select the Amount that you are paying or tick the apply box to enter the full amount automatically this will open the Conformation Window", Tick "Yes" to add the amount to the "Payment Amount"
Select a Payment method
The "Amount Outstanding" for your Purchase Order/ Supplier Invoice will have changed to $0.00 Click "SAVE" to complete the payment.