10 Importing Values
From TrueERP wiki
Importing Prices
Has it been explained how to import the Extra Sell and Buy prices?
It is best to Export a sample that you can use as a template to add your new Data to before Importing a file.
- Select the File drop down from the Top Toolbar
- Select Export and Export Data and the Data Export Menu will load.
- Select from the choices of product prices E.g Products Extra Buy
- Select a Destination for the Exported file or leave as the default which is Desktop.
- Select the Export Button and then Close
- Open the Exported csv file in either Excel or Open office and make any required alterations
- When all alterations have been made to the Extra Sell and Buy prices, save the spreadsheet ready to Import
- Select the File drop down from the Top Toolbar
- Select Import and then Import Data
- The Import Data Mapping List will load.
- Select New and type in a Name for the Import
- Select the Import Type from the Drop down
- Select the csv File to be Imported
- Select Refresh and the Data Mapping fields will load.
- Select Import and follow the Prompts to make any Format changes required and then Save