11 List Customisation
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Customise Lists and Sorting Columns
Was the list Customisation explained?
- Click on any report or list Column Header and a hand symbol will sort the column by Ascending or Descending, click the header again to change.
Do you know how to Move Columns around and place them where you want?
- To Click and Drag a column Left mouse Click on any report or list column header and Drag it to the new desired position, then simply release mouse This will move the whole column to the new position.
- You can also Increase or Decrease the size of the columns by clicking on the line between the colomn titles and move left or right depending on what size is required.
- When you close the list the New Layout will be remembered and will open in the same layout or format that it was Last viewed in.
- This layout is Specific to each user and the unique User Name and Password will trigger the layouts specific for that person.
Do you know how to Customise your lists to display the columns you wish to view?
- From the list or report that you wish to customise select the Customise button at the bottom of the screen and the Main Grid Screen appears. The features and functionality of this area are Global and apply to all reports. The information available will vary however the theory is the same.
- You can now choose whether you Customise the list for just the person logged in or globally by selecting the User or Global Radio Buttons at the bottom left. This determines who sees the changes.
- On the Main Grid Tick or Untick the Column Headers to select or de-select the columns that you want to show on the List or Report. The boxes Ticked will be visible and the Unticked boxes will not be visible on the List or Report.
- To change the Header Name on the columns double click the label and simply type in the preferred name.
- To turn off the grid lines untick the Enable Grid Lines box on the right or tick to Enable
- To add your own Customised Column to a list or report select New in the Custom Column field and type in the name for the new column and select OK.
- The New Column will appear at the bottom of the list and the Column Formula Field will be available to enter a formula if required, a mathematical formula can now be entered in this column.
- Right Click in the Column Formula field and mathematical options and a list of columns will appear. You can now build the formula using existing columns and mathematics.
- You can also choose how to display the column by simply choosing a Format from the Display Format field.
- Within the main Customise list screen you also have the Custom Report Tab which allows you to rename the report you are creating so that the Default report is untouched. All the changes made will be on the New report and not on the Default report.
- You can give the report a Unique name to enable other people to view the newly created report or place it in another tab on the report selector.
- After you have Named the report and selected a location from the Report Selector Tab select the Create Custom Report button to activate.
- After creating any changes you require select OK to save changes.
N.B. If you only name the report and choose not to place on any other tab, the report will only be visible in the My Reports area of the report selector and this area is protected by your user name and password so other people cannot see the reports that are unique to you.