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12 Loyalty Setup

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Loyalty Program Setup

Do you know how the Loyalty Program works?

  • Select the Utilities module and then the Preferences button
  • Select the Sales tab and then Scroll down to the Reward Points field and enter in the following

Value for Redeemed Points - Eg 1 point = $1

Trigger Group for Redeeming Points - This is the number of points that must be accrued before they can be redeemed

Decimal Places to allow for - 0 to 4 Recommendation would be to set it to 0

Account for sold Reward Points and Account for Expired Reward Points - Leave these as defaults but they can be changed if you want to- they can be adjusted by Journal entries if required

Expense Account for Reward Points - Usually COGS for Reward Points

Expires No of Months from Date of Purchase - Enter the default number of months before the points will expire

  • While in Preferences go to the POS Preferences and scroll down to Receipt Templates
  • Here you can enter what you like which will print out on your Receipt Printer.
  • If you Right mouse click there is also a number of data based fields that will pop into the receipt Eg Dear (customer name)