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13 Reminder Pop Up

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Reminder Pop Up

How do you set your Reminders to pop up automatically upon logging into ERP?

Select the Employee tab Select the Personal Preferences button Scroll down to the section "Days in Advance for Reminder to Appear" Select the 'Lead' tick box Enter the number of days prior to the follow-up that you wish the reminder to load in the Reminders List Enter the number of days required in the "Don't show reminders after days overdue" NB: This will not remove the reminder from ERP, it will simply no longer display the reminder in the Reminders List. To view un-actioned Reminders that have gone over the set number of days overdue, tick the History box (top right of the Reminders List)

How do you action the Reminder when it pops up?

Double click on the Reminder you wish to action. This will load the 'Lead' form for you to edit as required.