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17 Custom Report

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Custom Report

Do you know how to create a custom report to display in the My Reports Section?

Filtering and sorting within a list or report is a valuable tool for finding a specific entry into the report. Filtering relates to the ability to streamline what is shown in a report and only show on the screen the information that is required. Sorting refers to the ability to have the information in the columns appear in the ascending or descending order as required.

Open any list (eg. Sales Report etc) Position the curser over the field and data that you want to search on. EG. To filter Sales History by an employee name position the curser over that employees name in the name column Right Click with the mouse You will now have the following option: Custom Filter List - This is a list of filters that you have previously saved AND Filter - Select this to add the field (name) that you have selected into a filter Right Click again and select Preview You will now see that your list has been reduced to only those entries that match the filter. For the above example, that will be Sales history for the employee selected. You can add multiple selections to a filter be repeating the same process In the above example you may now want to filter by Department name. Right Click the department name you want included and select AND Filter again, then right click and preview. Right Click again and select Add custom Filter Add a name for the custom filter Global allows everyone to see this filter when they open the list or report. Default Filter will load the filter with the list or report, so that the list or report opens, filtered.