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17 Smart Order

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Smart Order

Can you create a Smart Order (Auto Recorder, Invoice, Repairs Etc) ?

The Smart Order Button gives you the ability to select products you wish to order from multiple Suppliers within a single interface, then create purchase orders for each individual Supplier. Smart order is a pre-requisite to doing a purchase order.

How To Create a New Smart Order

From the Purchases Tab, Select the 'Smart Order' Button

Type in the Description of your Smart Order in the Smart Order Description Field

Type the code of the product you wish to order into the 'Name' Field

Use F5, F6, F7 function to find product

Type in the Quantity you wish to order in the 'Qty' Field If there is no default Supplier for the particular Product, Select the Supplier If the product is for a specific Customer or Job, type the Customer's Name into the 'Customer: Job' Field If the Product is to be purchased for a particular 'Department', select the Department Name into the 'Department' Field In the case that the product price has changed type the new Price into the 'Cost(Inc)' Push the 'Tab' Key on your Keyboard to Tab through to the next line

Repeat the above process steps to insert multiple products into the Smart Order.

Click 'Save' to Complete the Smart Order Transaction

Alternatively if you select either the 'Show' or 'Print' Tick Boxes and click the 'Create PO's' Button you will have the ability to create, view & print your Smart Order as individual Purchase Orders. Refer to Purchase Orders for further information.

A Smart order can also be created from a Sales order by selecting the Copy to Smart Order button

The Smart Order List Button gives you the ability to view a listing of Smart Orders. The Smart Order List is broken into 3 Sub-Headings, 'Incomplete Smart Orders', 'Completed Smart Orders' and 'All Smart Orders' Lists in ERP can be Filtered<LinkId=251>, Searched<LinkId=252>, Customised<LinkId=249>, Printed<LinkId=253> and Exported<LinkId=254>.

How To View the Smart Order List

From the 'Purchases' Tab, Select the 'Smart Order List' Button Select a radio button to view the Incomplete, Completed or All Smart Orders

Note: With each selection the Smart Order List will change.

Search for the Smart Order you wish to view

Note: The default Smart Order search field can be changed to suit you. Refer to Customisation Of Lists for further information

Double Click to View the Smart Order From here you have the ability to Copy the Smart Order to a Purchase Order. Refer to Creating a Smart Order for further details