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17 Telephone Message

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Telephone Message for an Employee

Do you know how to create a Telephone message for an employee?

  • From any Module on the Main Screen select the Message button at the bottom of the screen and the Message List screen appears.
  • Select the New button to enter a new message
  • Date and Time is automatically set.
  • From the the To drop down menu Select the employee's name the message is to be sent to.
  • Type in the message in the Details section
  • Select who the message was from by either selecting First Name, Surname or search a Company by clicking on the Company search field at the top right of the screen.
  • Type in the first letters of their name and a list will display, Select the contact name or company, and their contact details will upload to the screen (if they have been loaded into contacts) or enter contact details in appropriate boxes.
  • Tick appropriate box re where message has originated from and what action is required by clicking on the box to select.
  • When message is completed click OK and message will be displayed in the Employees Message List