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18. New Template

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New Template

New Template - Can you create a new report?

So there are a couple of ways in which to create new reports. First way would be to go 'Reports' and then 'Templates' and then to select 'New'. TrueERP will prompt you to give the report a name and type. The report writer will load a default SQL string so if you would like to copy from another report string, you can do so and just paste it in the new report under 'SQL String'. You can also go into an existing report from the 'Custom Templates' screen and once in the report go to 'File' in the top corner and then 'Save to File'. What this will allow you to do is to save this template and 'Load from File' when in a new template but you wish to keep the design you saved earlier. 'Load from File' can be found in the template screen under 'File' and 'Load from File'. So now you will have the basis for your template and you can make changes from there instead of having to add all the separate SQL strings.