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18 Exporting Lists

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Exporting Lists

Can you export a list or report using the Export button and create a spreadsheet with it?

  • When the list has been customised to display the desired information click on the Export Button.

Type in a Name for the file

  • Select from the Save as type drop down either Excel SYLK [.SLK]  or Comma Delimited Text [*.CSV] or HTML [*.HTML]
  • Save to theDesktop where double clicking on the saved file will then open it in Excel with all the relevant information displayed.

N.B. Exporting in this way is only for exporting information out of ERP to a spreadsheet. You will Not be able to Import information back into ERP from this spreadsheet.

Exporting the list using the File menu.

  • Select File from the top menu bar then Export Data to open the Data Export/Import screen.
  • Select the file to Export and by default it will be saved to you Desktop as a csv file.
  • Select the Export Button
  • Open up Excel then go to File Open on the Top Menu Bar and find the folder on your desktop you have saved.
  • Change the file type to All Files 
  • Double click on the ERP data file which will open the Text Import Wizard.

There are Three Steps to follow to open the data file correctly.

  • Select Next You need to change the Text Qualifier from  "  to  None.
  • Select Next  All columns within the Data Preview need to be Hightlighted. The Process to do this is move the scroll bar all the way to the right, hold down the shift key then with the mouse, left click in the last column.
  • When all columns within the Data Preview have been selected, select text from the Column Data Format and select Finish.

The file will then open in Excel

  • Click on the very top left hand corner of the spreedsheet, which will Hightlight the whole sheet.
  • Double Left mouse click between the first and second column which will automatically open up all columns to view the full data within them

N.B. Do be aware that to generate a data file to import into ERP requires specific fields to be populated. If the generation of these files are required, please contact an ERP representative or your ERP support personel.

If you use Open Calc follow these instrustions:

  • Select File from the top menu bar then Export Data which will open up the Data Export / Import screen.
  • Choose the file to Export and select the File Folder button
  • Type in the file name and it will be saved as acsv file on your Desktop then selectSave
  • Select the Export Button
  • Open up Open Calc and then Minimise so you can access the file saved on your desktop
  • Click on the csv file then Drag and Drop it into open office and the Data Preview window will open.
  • All columns within the Data Preview need to be Hightlighted, to do this move the scroll bar all the way to the right, hold down the Shift key then Left click in the last column.
  • With all columns within the data preview selected choose Text from the Column type drop down menu and click OK
  • Make any changes required then Save the file and select Keep Current Format when message appears.

To Import back into ERP

  • Select File then Import then Data from the top menu bar.
  • Select the File where the changes have been made and select Import and the file will be Imported into ERP