18 Reminder Settings
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Reminder Settings
Where do you set your own reminders?
Every User can determine which reminders they wish to view by setting their Personal Preferences accordingly. By setting your reminders Preferences, your Reminders list will auto load every time you log into ERP. Your Reminders List can also be manually loaded at any time, via the 'Reminders' button on the bottom on the ERP Main Screen.
Select Employee>Personal Preferences and scroll down to.....
Days in Advance for Reminder to Appear Enable the required reminders by selecting the tick box next to the relevant reminder Once ticked a box will display to the right of each reminder... Enter a number for the number of days in advance you want to be reminded for each reminder selected This will load the reminder onto the reminders list the set number of days before you are due to complete the task.
Don't Show Reminders after days overdue Enter a number of days that will determine the point at which your reminders will no longer load on your reminders list by default.
To ensure Reminders are NOT overlooked it would be a preferred practice to flag a reminder as Complete after actioning it OR rescheduled it to a future date.
Popup Reminders Turn on popup reminders for the selected items. If not selected, reminders will still display in the reminders list, but will not display in the popup window. (The pop up window is similar to that of MSN Messenger or an email notification pop-up)
The following items can be selected for the pop up window To Do's Marketing Followup Messages
Employee To do's These are a great way of adding reminder prompts for either yourself or other employees to do actions and tasks.
Select the Employee module button Click on the "To Do" button.
Date created is the date that the "To Do" was entered. For Employee refers to whom you wish the "To Do" for. Created By is whom the task or action is to be performed for. Date To Do By is when the task or action is to be completed by. Description would describe the task or action required to be completed.
Result will create a time line of feed back notes from both the "For Employee" and the "Created By" person.