1 New Supplier
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Create Supplier
Can you enter a New Supplier?
There are Two ways to create a New Supplier
Direct from the Purchase Order screen - enter the name of the supplier and if it is not in the list a prompt box will appear Selection NOT in list, Create New?. Say Yes and this will bring up the Supplier screen for entering all their details.
Or select the Purchases Module from theMain Menu then the Supplier+ button and this will also bring you to the Supplier screen for entering all of the following details.
- Supplier Info - Enter the Company Name Phone details and any relevant notes, use the Add Date & Time tab if wanted, to log any note details.
- Address Info - Enter Address then you can click on the Copy==> tab to copy the Physical Address over to the Bill To if they are the same. If not enter the Bill To address for where the invoices etc are to be sent. Enter the Web Address if required
- General - Add Account No if known ( if sending items back to the supplier this may be required) - Add Terms for Supplier payment - Bank Account details (this is important if making EFT payments to this Supplier) - Enter Shipping details (If using Capacity Planning this is important) - If you wish to use a specific template for your purchase order to the supplier Select the Default PO Template from the drop down menu - You can assign a Rep to the supplier if required - Enter their ABN number - Select from the drop down menu how you wish to communicate with the Supplier for any Correspondence.- Select the preferred Payment Method from the drop down menu. (This will default in the payments screen) - If the supplier deals in Foreign Currrency choose from the drop down menu. (When a purchase order is created the Foreign Currency will default into the currency Code tab.) - BPAY Biller Code: Is a payment made via internet or phone banking from your specified account Enter the Biller Code: and the Reference for the supplier (You will locate these details on your bill)
- History - Within this tab you can locate and view all Transaction History for the supplier by specified date.
- Contacts - Names and contact numbers. Click the Show inactive Contacts if you wish to view these. You can enter Multiple Contacts if the supplier has them.
- Documents / Follow Up - All documents sent to the supplier and Follow Ups can be viewed in this tab.
- Custom Fields - You can create a custom field in this area as required for suppliers. - Click on the Add Labels tab - Name the new field Under Label - Select (by clicking in the radio buttons) where this custom field is to be used. - Date Fields can also be added (If a date field is added this brings up a Date Picker calendar to select the date from) - You can also enable a drop down menu when using the custom fields. Select the Enable Drop Down by clicking on the radio button Add text in the line, use the down arrow key on your key board to add new lines and Select Save
From the Contacts Tab you can creat a Word Document
- To create a Letter click on the Letter Tab - this will open up word for you to create your letter document.
NB In Utilities - Preferences - Utilities there is an option to select Use MS Word ensure this is selected so Word opens automatically.