1 Source Tracking
From TrueERP wiki
Source Tracking
Do you know how to create a new Source and assign an Expense Account and Est Cost?
- From the Main Menu select the CRM Module and then the Source button
- Enter a Source Description and then if required select an Expense Account for reference purposes only.
- Enter the Estimated Cost(ex) of the Source E.g. Newspaper Advertising est cost $3,000
- Select the Created date
- DO NOT select the Inactive date unless you are deactivating the source
- Select Save OR SelectNew to create another new Source (The current Source will be saved as New is selected)
- Select Cancel to close and NOT save
- The Active tick box will automatically be flagged
Do you know how enable Source Tracking in the Preferences area?
- Select the Utilities module and then the Preferences button.
- Select the Sales tab and in the General section make sure Disable Customer Source Tracking is Un-Ticked