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21 Product Status

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Product Status

How do you check the status of any product on an order?

When you are in any transaction entry form that requires the selection of a product, e.g. Quote, Sales Order, Invoice, Refund, Purchase Order, you can load the Product Status form from the grid of the transaction by....

Open the transaction form, e.g. Sales Order After selecting the Customer and entering other header information Right Mouse Click in the grid section of the transaction, i.e. the section where you enter the 'transactional data' Select 'Product Status' The Product Status form will load and will display the following informational data:

Quantities ClassName - all the Departments/Warehouses/Sites that this product is available under Available - Qty of available stock i.e. In Stock less Allocated BO's and Allocated SO's Allocated BO - Stock allocated to an Invoice Back Order Allocated SO - Stock allocated to a Sales Order In Stock - Full Qty of Stock available included stock allocated to BO's and SO's On Order - Qty on order with Suppliers, i.e. Purchase Order BO's - stock not yet received from Supplier Part Name - The name of the product you are viewing the Product Status for - product unique identifier

Bin Locations - by Department Bin Location - List of each Bin Location the product is allocated to Bin Number - List of each Bin Number of the Bin Location the product is allocated to UOM - The default Unit of Measure for the product assigned to the Bin Available Qty - Qty of available stock i.e. In Stock less Allocated BO's and Allocated SO's assigned to the Bin Salesorder Qty - Qty allocated to a Sales Order assigned to the Bin

Shipping Container Container Name - Container Name that the product is being shipped on ETD Date - Estimated Time of Departure of the Container Status - Current status of the Shipping Container Port of Departure - The Port the Container Ship is departing from Vessel Name - Name of the Ship the Container is being shipped on ETA Date - Estimated Time of Arrival of the Container Port of Arrival - The Port the Container Ship is due to arrive at

ETA Information Global Ref - ERP generated number for any Purchase Order in the system for the product PO # - Purchase Order Number Product - Product Name ETA Date - Estimated Time of Arrival of the product on the PO Qty - Qty on Order Department - Department the order for the product has been assigned to