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22 Creating a Representative

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Creating a Representative

Can you create a new Rep'?

All reps need to be firstly set up as anEmployee with all relevant information. This will copy over when a new Rep is created.

  • In theMain Menu select Employee and then select the New Rep button.
  • At the top of the page under Representative you will find a Drop Down Menu click on this to see all Employees.
  • Select the Employee you need to change to a New Rep. This will transfer all relevant details from the Employee Card
  • When you select the Employee you should make sure that all of the Address Info details are correct.
  • The Rate Info tab enables a Rate to be applied to a New Rep. This will enable a charge to be added to an Appointment should the need arise.
  • All Appointments that have been created for a Rep will be displayed in the History Tab.
  • Once the Rep has been created and all is correct, click the Save Button to save all details.