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23. Telephone Message

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Telephone Message

Telephone Message - Do you know how to create a Telephone message for an employee and how to enter to do's?

  • From the Main Screen select the Message button at the bottom of the screen. This will open the Message List window.
  • Select the New button to enter a new message. This will open the Message window.
  • Current Date and Time will load automatically.
  • In the Company field start typing the name of the company the message is from. If it is in the Global List (consist of all contacts in the database, employee, suppliers, customers, marketing contact, etc.) then the typed match will appear in drop down. If the Company name is not in the list select Create New from the drop down. Selecting Creating New will ask you first what type of contact is it, Customer, Supplier, Prospect, Marketing Contact, Employee,Job.
  • Select the 'Company Name the message is from. The company detail will fill automatically.
  • From the drop down To select the employee the message if for.
  • Select either of the options Please Ring or Will Ring back according to the persons message.
  • Type the message in the Details section.
  • At bottom screen, a history will built up for this company who left a message.
  • When message is completed click Save and message will be displayed in the Employees Message List.

If by selecting Company the other details like Name and Phone do not fill automatically, then you can type it in the designated field manually.