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23 Stock Adjustments

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Stock Adjustments

Can you process a Stock Adjustment?

A Stock Adjustment can also be used to correct the stock levels at any time Eg. The system says there is 20 in stock of a product in a particular bin but on count there is only 19. An adjustment can be made at that time, ie. you do not have to wait to carry out a stocktake to make the adjustment.

Typically a Stock Adjustment is used for adjustments to stock due to Loss/Damage or Wasteage.

  • From the Main Screen select the Inventory Module and then select the Stock Adjustment Button
  • Select the To Account to be adjusted by the value of the adjusted stock.
  • The Inventory Asset account is Always
  • E.g You may have a suspense account for "Damaged Stock"
  • Search function F5, F6, F7 is available within a Stock Adjustment for ease of selecting the required Product/s to adjust.
  • The Stock Adjustment Number auto loads.
  • Select your Product and your Department.
  • Stock can be adjusted by entering the Final (instock) quantity or the Adjustment 

Enter the reason for the Adjustment E.g Damaged Goods / Stolen Goods etc and then select Save

  • These adjustments can be viewed in the Stock Adjustment List

Stock Transfer is typically used to transfer between Bins & Batches

  • From the Main Screen select the Inventory Module and then the Stock Transfer button.
  • Select the Department to Transfer From then select from the drop down menu the To Account - typically an expense account such as Stock Adjustment
  • Select the Product Name and then enter Quantity - Batch and Bin details then any relevant Serial Numbers
  • For Tracking and Accounting purposes enter a Reason for the transfer.
  • Select the Process button 

To Transfer Stock from one Department to another when each department runs Separate Accounting systems ERP recommend creating Sales Orders/Invoices to make the transfer.

  • Under the Company Name enter the Department/Store name then create a Negative Sales Order/Invoice to take the product out of one department.
  • Then create a Sales Order/Invoice for the Department/Store the product is going to.
  • By creating a Sales Order/Invoice, this creates a paper trail for the stock transfer and a Delivery Docket can also be printed for signing on receiving the goods.