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24 Printouts

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Can you preview a printout of the Profit and Loss?

  • Select the Profit and Loss report.
  • Select the Show Preview radio button
  • Select the Print button.

ERP provides the user with the ability to produce a high standard of printable documentation. This being a key feature of any good software that is to be used at a commercial level in today's business world, ERP installs with multiple default templates covering every ERP module, some templates designed in multiple formats.

ERP meets the above requisite and more, by incorporating a complete Report Designer within the software. This allows any User withSQL database knowledge, the ability to design and create their own templates to report on data stored within ERP. The User has the freedom to customise templates and reports to suit their own Organisations requirements. Refer to the detailed user manual for the report builder module called Learn Report Builder.

N.B. If you have customised your Templates, it is important to remember to Export your Custom Templates BEFORE running any ERP Update. Exporting Customised Templates to an archive folder as you complete them is a good practice. Some custom templates may need modifying after a software update.

  • To View Templates select the General module.
  • Select the Templates button OR select Reports on the top menu bar and then Templates from the drop down.
  • The Customise Templates screen will load with the Cursor in the Search Text field.
  • Type in the name of the Template you wish to open or Scroll up and down to find the report you are looking for.
  • The Arrow on the left of the List will indicate which Template is selected, as more than one template will be Highlighted when  typing into the Search field.
  • Select the View Report button to open either the Preview or Design screen for the the selected Template.
  • The Preview will load as 1 sheet per page  Left Zoom button view.
  • Select the Middle Zoom button to zoom in for a half page close-up view.
  • Select the Right Zoom button to display the page as actual size (100%).
  • Enter a % value manually into the Zoom Percentage field to display the preview as required
  • If the report is spread over multiple pages you can toggle between these using the Toggle Arrow buttons.
  • Select the Printer icon to print the report from within this Preview page.
  • Close to return to the Customise Templates screen.

The Customise Templates screen displays 3 columns:

1. Template Name This indicates the actual name of your Template. It is a good idea to name all related Templates with the same first name, e.g. Sales Order, Sales Order Matrix etc. This keeps them listed together for convenience. This field can be sorted alphabetically in either ascending or descending order by clicking on the field header. The order is indicated by the finger pointer.

2. Type field This indicates what area of ERP the template is designed to be used for, e.g. 'Sales Order' Type to create a new 'Sales Order' template. The Type list is predefined; meaning a report Type can only be one that is already specified in ERP. This column can also be sorted alphabetically in either ascending or descending order by clicking on the field header. The order is indicated by the finger pointer.

3. Default If this field is ticked it indicates that this template is the default template used by ERP when printing reports of that 'Type'. The default can be changed to any other Template of the same Type. There can only be one default template set for each 'type'. This column can also be sorted by ascending or descending order by clicking on the field header, conveniently listing all your 'default' templates together. The order is indicated by the finger pointer.