25 Landed Costs
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Landed Costs
Can you include shipping costs in a Purchase Order to reflect Landed Costs for Inventory?
It is possible to associate landed costs for an imported product with the original Purchase Order even though the Purchase Order has often been paid and closed before the landed costs are fully known.
How to Use Landed Costs To use Landed Costs you must turn on Foreign Currency in Purchases and activate at least 1 Foreign Exchange Rate
Select Utilities Select Preferences Select Purchases Select Use Foreign Currency under Purchase Order Lines Save
Select General Select Foreign Exchange List Select Inactive Currencies Select the currency you want to activate Enter current Buy and Sell rates and select active Save
Select Purchases Select Supplier List Select the supplier you will purchase imports from Select General Tab Select the Foreign Currency for this supplier from the drop down list Save
How to Process Landed Costs Before recording Landed Costs you must have previously created a Purchase_Order<LinkId=203>
Select Purchases Select Bill Enter Supplier Details (usually a Customs Agent or similar) Select the account to post Landed Costs to Enter the amount In the Related PO column, select the Purchse Order number that the landed costs relate to Select the Import Costs button on the right of the screen This will pop up a list of all the bills related to the purchase order number. Select the bill and tick apply Then click Save The landed costs will then populate the purchase order - adjustments can be made to allocate as you want.