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25 Stock Departments

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Stock Departments

Are you aware of what the Department drop down will do to the stock quantities?

A Stock Adjustment can also be used to correct the stock levels at any time Eg. The system says there is 20 in stock of a product in a particular bin, but on count there is only 19. An Adjustment can be made at that time. You do not have to wait to carry out a stock take to make the adjustment.

In the above sample, while there may be 19 in stock, if 5 of these are already booked on an order, your final stock levels based on what is available is actually 14. When you count your stock you must decide whether to count whats "In stock" 19 or count whats "Available" 14

As an added element, the above is based on a Single Department concept. If you have more than one department or cost centre you must do the same for each department and cost centre.