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2 Report Selector

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Report Selector

Do you know what the Report Selector is and how to access it?

The Report Selector is your 'one-stop-shop' for Reports.

From within all Tabs you will find a button called "…. Reports", (…. relates to the Tab you are currently viewing), e.g. Sales Report button is located within the Sales Tab; Purchases Report button is located within the Purchases Tab. Click on these buttons and the Report Selector will appear.

You can also access the report selector from the Reports Tab at the bottom of the main screen along side of Messages/Customise/ Reminders and Videos

Also From the top menu bar Under Reports then you can select which module reports you wish to view from the drop down menu. Select and this will open the Report Selector for you.

Do you Understand what the labelled radio buttons on the left hand side of the Report Selector are for?

Once in the Report Selector you will be able to access the reports for all other areas within ERP by selecting the radio button that corresponds to the desired field, eg. POS reports, select this radio button and the Reports for POS will populate.

Do you understand what the date ranges are for on the main Report Selector?

Within the Report Selector you will find a date range selection box Opens in default range with the default dates that have been set in Employee preferences To change these dates in the Report Selector just click on the down arrow and select a preset date range eg. Today By clicking on the down arrow for From and To a calendar pop up box will appear - if open in correct month and year just click on the date you want and this will repopulate the From and To fields - If you wish to change the month/year, click on the month/year itself and a drop down menu will appear for your selection - or use the arrows < or > to change your selection month by month - you can also left mouse click on day/month or year in the field and change it to your selection The report then opens with transactions for the date selected. Note: A week begins on Monday and the Date Ranges Selected include the date selected.

On the report selector there is a button called " batch update" Do you understand what this button is?

When the Update Batch Tab is selected ERP runs a check through the system ensuring all data entered is available for the report that has been selected. eg. Accounts Receivable or Profit and Loss. If you run a report and the information you think should be there is not, run a batch update.