49 Discounts
From TrueERP wiki
Do you know how to set a permanent customer discount option?
Permanent Discount % - this will set a discount across the system for this customer at the set percentage discount
Special Product Discount % - Apply a special percentage for a particular product in the tab then - select a product from the drop down menu - Select Add New Product and select further products if they are to have the same % of discount - There can be multi products with a specific % of discount
Note: to enable this Special Product Discount the Special Discount radio button needs to be selected within the product. ie. Go to Inventory => product list => select product => then select the radio button within the main product screen.
Group Discounts % - You can apply a % discount to a specific group that have been set up in your Customer Type When setting up an inventory item the Qty sell price set is the highest price that the item is sold for. Select the Extra Sell Price tab within the Product Enter the Client type eg Wholesale and then enter the discount price over all three Qty sell fields A different description can be entered for different client types and the discount can also apply over a period of time by entering Date from and Date to
Note: In utilities under sales you can define a maximum Allowed Discount Percentage to ensure a
higher discount can not be given at any time by any employee.
Note: Also the lowest discount price wins, eg A customer has a discount set and there is a discount set for a product. When this product is sold then the lowest discount price wins.
Note: If a -% is entered this will be treated as a Markup. ie. the set quantity sell price will have that percentage added to the sell price