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4 Auto Re-Order

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Auto Re-Order

Do you understand why you would activate the Auto Re-Order function?

The Auto Re-Order function will display the product quantity tab first and highlight the columns that govern auto re-order, Available, ReOrder, Preferred Level & ReOrder amounts. The auto re-order process will create a Smart Order. From the Smart Order you have the ability to create a Purchase Order.

  • From the Main Menu select the Inventory Module and then the Products Express List
  • Then open up the product that you wish to manage Auto Re-Order for.
  • Select the Quantities Tab at the top of the screen.
  • Select the Department as you may wish to re-order different amounts for each department.

Set the Re-Order fields for:

  • ReOrder Point - at what number do you want the auto reorder to trigger from.
  • Preferred Level - at what level of quantities do you want to have the product stocked at.
  • ReOrder Amount - what numbers to you want to reorder at a time.
  • Select Save

NB If you do not want to have a product reorder at a preferred Level but want to have a smart order auto created when a SalesOrder/invoice is entered into the system and puts the stock into negative.

  • Set the Quantities tab accordingly: ReOrder Point 0Preferred Level 0ReOrder Amount 1
  • Go Back to the Main tab on the product card and select theAuto Re-Order and Auto Create Smart Order Radio Buttons

  • From the Main Menu select theInventory Module and then select the Auto ReOrder Button
  • By ticking Show Order at the bottom of the screen the Smart Order will load onto the screen for further changes prior to converting to a Purchase Order.
  • Select Every Department or untick to select per Department
  • Select Every Supplier or untick to select a Supplier the Start
  • A Smart Order is created to order the product to bring the stock levels up to the Preferred Level already set in the product card. From the Smart Order you can make any alterations to the order before converting to a Purchase Order.
  • Ensure a Supplier is chosen for each Product line
  • Tick the Show Button at the bottom of the Smart Order so you will then be able to view the purchase orders on screen to confirm they are correct.
  • Click on Create Purchase Order, this will then create and show you the Purchase Orders for each supplier chosen.

NB Items that have Re-Order levels set and auto reorder button is ticked within the Inventory Product card, will Automatically show on a smart order when the Auto ReOrder button is selected and run.