4 Deposited List
From TrueERP wiki
Deposited List
What information can be found in the Deposited List?
The deposited list contains all past deposit entries.
How to use Deposited List
Select the Banking tab Select the Deposited List button (The Deposited List will load) Here you can see each Deposit Entry for the selected date range. By default you will be looking at the Summary view
Summary View
In the summary view you will see key information including the Date, Total Amount, Account and Department Name along with other information as specified in the customise button
Details View
Click on the Details radio button on the right of the screen You can now see each of the line items in each of the Deposit Entries
Drilling Down
From either view you can open any Deposit Entry by clicking on the Entry or any of its line items From within the Deposit Entry you can drill down into any line item to see the Customer Payment record by clicking on the line item